Become an Educational Material Provider – Join for Free

Expat College is a company that provides educational material for expat kids no matter where they live. Expat parents looking to help their children study count on us for up-to-date academic resources, including worksheets and study books in English, Maths and Science. Focusing on the global expat community means that we are well positioned to give course providers greater exposure through our online portal. Whether you are a large educational centre providing distance learning, individual lecturer or a teacher that creates educational posters for kids, Expat College has the right platform to showcase your online courses and work.

Why become a provider?

Although parents go to work abroad, it doesn’t necessarily mean they want their children to miss out on the English education system. Many parents opt for putting their kids into an International School – this can often be costly. Some parents decide to teach from home, but looking for educational material however, especially for younger kids can be a daunting task from abroad. With so much to take in, we provide a simpler way to find what you need.

Become an Educational Material Provider for Expat College.


By joining our list of professional educational material providers you will gain greater exposure. Selling your courses and products through us benefits you by putting them in front of millions of expat parents across the globe – ultimately minimising the chances of them missing you.

Additional Services

Along with an independent online course comparison website, Expat College also provides within its How-to guides section and online store the chance for third party companies to sell their educational materials, training manuals, books and select products.

Things to Note

Expat College prides itself on putting its customers first and providing the most suitable courses and materials possible. This means that as a company policy within our comparison course sections we will not favour any particular provider or course above another. Our independence is crucial for our continued success.

Paid for third party educational material, training manuals, books and select products featured on our How-to guides section and online store (any location outside of the online course comparison portal) are additional features and priority is given to purchasing clients.

Enquire about becoming an Educational Material Provider today.

Don’t let your competitors get ahead. Contact us today to obtain further information on joining Expat college as an Educational Material provider.

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